Here the media recognizes that Alexander Nix, CEO of Cambridge Analytica, testified before Congress and may have lied to lawmakers claiming Cambridge Analytica did not obtain personal data from Facebook or from a third party. However, Mark Zuckerberg and whistleblower Christopher Wylie have said that CA did receive personality information from a third party app on individual facebook users and micro targeted political ads to those users and their friends based on their personality profile.
Microtargeting is not new, and technically no “personal info” needed to be obtained. Facebook users voluntarily filled out the OCEANS personality survey which was obtained by CA, and tailored political messages were fed to these Facebook users and their friends based on their personality type. Christopher Wylie confessed setting up sham websites and writing sham articles to promote certain arguments and viewpoint that a Facebook user would be led too giving them the false idea that they had “researched and verified the information” using the internet.
But again, facebook data and sham websites is NOT even the big issue here. The main issue is that this article glosses over that Nix confessed to an undercover media outlet 1. offering to entrap political candidates, 2. that CA had infact been very successful in doing this very entrapment and blackmail of political opponents in Eastern Europe and Africa. 3. that CA had ties to British and Israeli intelligence (Black Cube), 4. and that CA is only a subsidiary of SCL Group led by Nigel Oaks.
The SCL Group is a private firm openly involved in propaganda operations for the British military focused on election manipulation. Here we have a special council in the US investigating President Trump for possible Russian interference in the 2016 election, and we overlook revelations and video confessions by the CEO about global election manipulation.
“Nix was suspended by the data firm last month after a British television station aired secretly obtained footage of him discussing an idea to entrap a political candidate by sending women to his house.”
"In the view of the Board, Mr. Nix's recent comments secretly recorded by Channel 4 and other allegations do not represent the values or operations of the firm and his suspension reflects the seriousness with which we view this violation," a statement from Cambridge Analytica read last month.”
In the end, this article just sweeps everything under the rug by reporting that the “recent comments... do not represent the values or operations of the firm”. So, we should feel better that Mr. Nix was suspended and that CA went bankrupt. But SCL Election lives on to continue its interference with the global democratic process.
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