Japan used to not be ruled by an emperor but by the Shogun/Shogunate (The Last Samurai). China and Japan opened up to trade with the West via Bitish East India Company, US Russell and Co. and US Military expeditions by Commodore Perry (Backwards Flag).
The British tried to first extract the riches of China using opium (Opium Wars). When this was unsuccessful, they corrupted the youth of Japan, gave them gattling gun technology, overthrew the Shogunate, and installed a sham emperor.
British/Russell and Co. then used the Japanese to rape and pillage China (Sino-Japanese Wars). You can see this in (Ip Man 1). Much of the Gold from this conquest was hidden in Shanghi, then the Phillipines and some was shipped from China by submarine and Warships to the US prior WW2.
Fake US Bonds were issued in exchange for some of this gold. Some pf these bonds were found on Japanese trying to get into Switzerland to possibly redeem them. The bonds were “called” fake, but maybe not.
William Russell of Russell and Co. established Skull and Bones at Yale. Weather Weapons (HAARP) may have been used against the Philippines and Japan (Hurricanes, EQ’s, Tsunami) with regard to economic policy.
After Bretton Woods, many counties were asked to loan the US gold to set up the USD as the world reserve currency. France, UK, Germany and Japan shipped massive gold to the US.
In 1971, Switzerland first withdrew their gold and then France sent a warship to New York Harbor to make a massive gold withdrawal. Consequently, Nixon took the USD off the gold standard. Germany has only recently been successful at repatriating its gold.
A lot of this information coming out about Black Eagle Trust/M-Fund/Golden Lily/Yamashita Gold will likely inflame Chinese against the US. This isn't US gold, or Japanese Gold, but gold pillaged from China and Indonesia by the Japanese during the Sino-Japanese Wars.
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