Thursday, September 06, 2018

Global Greening

This study in Nature reports that increased atmospheric CO2 is contributing to global greening. Plants absolutely require CO2 to grow and some believe have been in a state of CO2 deprivation. While global greening would seem like good news, a Google search on this issue demonstrates that the liberal media still spins this finding into bad news.

Look, some well-meaning people have been manipulated into worrying about global population and scarcity of resources. Right now Europe and the US birth rates are way down while birthrates in Africa are continually high.  Demographers predict that world population has been linear and will peak at 11 billion without needing to kill anyone. 

It has well documented that if you allow populations to modernize, they will regulate their own reproduction. As the lecture above explains, the population explosion in the modern era is due to decreased infant  mortality. Women consider their children as resources, potential workers and as a potential future welfare system. Hans Rosling points out that women will never limit their reproduction in Africa as long as they see their own or other children dying around them. 

So, this suggests that if a person is concerned about population, and limited resources, they should support the mosernization, and economic development of Africa; the education of its people, and the improvement of its healthcare services.  Instead we see world powers sqabbling over its natural resources, fomenting civil unrest, and continual poverty, disease, and death. 

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